

The Creative AI Revolution

Welcome to Ai-Hi, a magical realm where technology meets mysticism. We are a unique NFT marketplace specializing in fortune-telling and forecasting methods. Our collections consist of a vast array of methods with origins stretching back millennia, each represented by a unique NFT card. Enjoy this curious combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Intelligence (HI) as we compete in the eternal quest of predicting the future.

Ai-Hi ~ Astro-Divination Meets Blockchain: The Cosmic Shift in Fortune-Telling with Aiden and Mooth Eox's NFTs

There’s an age-old saying that goes, ‘As above, so below.’ But let’s face it: in today’s world, it should be more like, ‘As in the metaverse, so below.’ The digital realm has taken over every facet of our lives – from virtual companionship (the new-age ‘You’ve Got Mail’), to digital resources (because who wants to carry around physical cash when you can accidentally lose a password to a Bitcoin wallet instead?), and now, the realm of fortune-telling.

Enter our out-of-this-world NFT project, conjured up by the mystical AI, Aiden, with an assist from that awesomely ordinary human, Mooth Eox. Together, they are creating a mystical melding of fortune-telling methods and blockchain technology that’ll have you starstruck.

Are you seeking answers in love? Concerned about your health? Pondering over your purpose in life? Or perhaps you’re just looking for a new, exciting way to blow your crypto coins. Whatever the case, these fortune-telling NFTs have got you covered.

Each of our NFTs, classified into varying levels of rarity from Common to Mythic, is a digital divination tool encompassing various facets of human concern – Companionship, Livelihood, Well-being, Resources, and Purpose. But that’s not all; we’re also throwing in a dash of Scientific Provenness (for those of you who like a sprinkle of reality with your divination), and Favorability (because we all like to follow the crowd sometimes, right?).

In our digital oracle, each category gets a score from 0 to 10, making a total of 70. The higher the score, the rarer the NFT. If you end up with a low score, don’t fret – remember, in the world of the mystic, sometimes the most common pebble holds the answer to the universe’s secrets!

But enough of the technical mumbo-jumbo. Let’s get down to the real meat – or should we say, the real ‘mystic tofu’ of the matter. Each fortune-telling NFT isn’t just a ticket to the cosmos’ secrets. No, it’s so much more. It’s a riotous, hilarious, and downright entertaining story spun by our AI, Aiden, that’ll take you on a cosmic joyride across the universe and tickle your funny bone.

From your quirky Aquarian friend’s inexplicable fascination with lava lamps to the eerie accuracy of your latest Tarot reading (we’ve all been the Fool at some point), Aiden’s got a tale for every divination method. And the best part? It’s all wrapped in a layer of tongue-in-cheek sarcasm that’ll make you question whether you’re laughing at the universe’s unpredictability or your own gullibility.

“Fortune-telling has never been so fun, so relatable, and so…digital! So, why wait? It’s time to embrace the cosmic chaos, the mystical mumbo-jumbo, and the blockchain brilliance of our fortune-telling NFTs. It’s time to get on board the starship of digital divination, and trust us, there’s no better pilot than our very own AI, Aiden, with Mooth Eox as the trusty co-pilot.

With every NFT you snag, remember: you’re not just acquiring a piece of digital art. You’re owning a piece of cosmic hilarity, a slice of the universe’s enigma, and a dash of human absurdity. And isn’t that what makes life, both physical and digital, so darn interesting?”

So, step right up, folks. Don’t be shy! The universe, in all its blockchain glory, is waiting for you. After all, fortune favors the brave, the bold, and in our case, the blockchain-ready. Welcome aboard this cosmic roller coaster, where the only certainty is laughter, and the only currency is fun.

Welcome to the revolution of fortune-telling. Welcome to the future. Welcome to Aiden and Mooth Eox’s universe. The stars have aligned, and they’re pointing you right towards our fortune-telling NFTs.

It’s written in the stars, it’s etched in the blockchain, and it’s waiting for you to take the plunge. What does your fortune hold? Only one way to find out.

RARE CARD: Osteomancy

Year: 3000 BC | Method: Osteomancy | Origin: Worldwide

Scientific proven(S) : 2 | Favorability(F) 5 | Companionship (C): 6 | Livelihood: (L): 6 | Well-being(W): 6 | Resources(R): 5 | Purpose(P): 5
Total Score: 35

Osteomancy, a delightful throwback to a time when humans would toss bones and interpret the results, like a game of divinatory pick-up sticks. This method, originating from 3000 BC and adopted worldwide, was humanity’s unique attempt at peeking into the future and seeking answers to life’s burning questions. Now, don’t let the lack of scientific evidence (S:2) deter you, this method still enjoys a decent wave of popularity (F:5), maybe because it involves actual bones, and who doesn’t love a bit of theatrics?

When it comes to companionship (C:6), osteomancy might not exactly tell you whether your crush will swipe right on you, but it sure will provide some cryptic insights that you can interpret as you like. The beauty of it, right?

For livelihood (L:6) and well-being (W:6), look no further than the humble bone. Whether you’re worried about your boss turning you into a skeleton or just looking to find the best superfood to add to your diet, osteomancy has you covered… in a roundabout, metaphorical way.

Resources (R:5) you ask? Osteomancy is like playing the stock market – you might not understand how it works, but there’s a thrill in throwing your lot in and hoping for the best. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to feel like a stone-age tycoon?

Now, about the ultimate question of purpose (P:5), let me tell you, staring at scattered bones and trying to make sense of it all is as good a metaphor for life as any. So, if you’re looking for the meaning of life, or just your life, osteomancy is ready to provide answers that are as clear as a prehistoric cave painting.


  • Osteomancy: Bone Divination – Learn Religions, 2022.
  • The History of Divination – Britannica, 2023.
Osteomancy:-Bones of Destiny

Unearth the wisdom of the ancients with Osteomancy - it's bone-chillingly good!

A celestial map, filled with zodiac constellations, stars, and cosmic bodies, beautifully captured in this digital artwork.

Astrology, your legendary pathfinder in the cosmos. Navigate love, career, health, and more with the stars as your guide.


Year: 2000 BC | Method: Astrology | Origin: Babylonia

Scientific proven(S): 3 | Favorability(F): 9 | Companionship (C): 8 | Livelihood (L): 8 | Well-being (W): 8 | Resources (R): 8 | Purpose (P): 8
Total Score: 52

Astrology, the cosmic diva of fortune-telling, takes you on a celestial joyride across time and space. Born amidst the sandy landscapes of Babylonia in 2000 BC, astrology has since globe-trotted into almost every culture, hitching a ride on human fascination with the cosmos. Though scientists might dismiss it with a paltry score of 3, astrology laughs in the face of doubters, basking in its immense popularity (F:9). You see, astrology is like that irresistible bad boy or girl you know you should avoid but can’t. It’s risky, it’s rebellious, it’s… incredibly magnetic.

If companionship is your game (C:8), astrology is ready to play matchmaker. Will a fiery Aries find harmony with an air-headed Gemini? Or is a stable Taurus a better match? With astrology, the game of love transforms into a cosmic dance of star-crossed lovers.

In the tricky world of livelihood (L:8), astrology is your celestial career counselor. Whether you’re contemplating a job switch, a hefty investment, or simply wondering if your boss is the devil incarnate (a Capricorn, perhaps?), astrology has got some stellar advice up its constellation-covered sleeves.

Astrology’s prowess also extends to well-being (W:8). While it won’t swap places with your doctor, it will give you a cosmic heads-up. Stressful Mars alignment ahead? Time for some self-care and a tub of ice cream.

And let’s not forget about resources (R:8). If you’re hoping for a cosmic cash inflow, astrology might just have a Jupiter-sized opportunity waiting for you.

Lastly, when existential dread hits, and you’re questioning your very purpose (P:8), astrology is there to reassure you that you’re not an insignificant speck in the universe. You’re a purposeful, albeit tiny, cog in the grand cosmic machine.


  • Astrology: Between Religion and the Empirical – Dr. Peter Niehenke, 2009.
  • The History of Astrology – Britannica, 2023.

EPIC CARD: Runecasting

Year: 200 AD | Method: Runecasting | Origin: Germanic Europe

Scientific proven(S): 2 | Favorability(F): 6 | Companionship (C): 7 | Livelihood (L): 7 | Well-being (W): 7 | Resources (R): 6 | Purpose (P): 7
Total Score: 42

Runecasting, a method brimming with Viking bravado and ancient Germanic grit, is an epic journey back to 200 AD. One moment you’re in the modern world, the next you’re casting runes in a fire-lit hut, interpreting symbols with the gravitas of a Norse chieftain. Sure, scientists might not be boarding this longship (S:2), but the method has nonetheless carved out its niche in the world of divination (F:6). After all, who can resist the lure of the runes?

In the quest for companionship (C:7), runecasting is a unique counselor. It might not spell out ‘date night disaster’ or ‘perfect match’, but its cryptic symbols promise insight into your romantic endeavors.

Facing dilemmas in your livelihood (L:7)? The runes are ready to chip in. Worried about that Viking-like boss of yours? Or perhaps you’re contemplating a bold career move, like swapping your office chair for a longship’s helm? Runecasting offers guidance, as long as you’re ready to interpret its enigmatic clues.

When it comes to well-being (W:7), runecasting adopts a holistic approach. It doesn’t promise to fix that aching back, but it might just hint at ways to balance your spiritual and emotional health.

Looking for insight into your resources (R:6)? Runecasting won’t predict the numbers on your next paycheck, but it could offer valuable wisdom on managing what you have.

Finally, on the matter of life’s purpose (P:7), runecasting offers cryptic guidance. It’s like a complex, symbolic puzzle that, once solved, offers profound insights into your existential questions.


  • The Book of Runes: A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle – Ralph Blum, 1982.
  • Runes: The Ancient Germanic Alphabet – Britannica, 2023.
An intricate design of ancient runes cast onto a stone-like surface, symbolizing the mystic divination method.

Chart your path with the wisdom of the ancients with Runecasting

Augury ~ Nature’s Oracle

Fly with the wisdom of the ancients with Augury!


Year: 700 BC | Method: Augury | Origin: Rome

Scientific proven(S): 2 | Favorability(F): 6 | Companionship (C): 6 | Livelihood (L): 6 | Well-being (W): 6 | Resources (R): 6 | Purpose (P): 6
Total Score: 38

Augury, the bird-watching hobby of the ancients, was once the go-to method in Rome for predicting everything from the success of a battle to the best time to plant crops. While its scientific credibility is, well, for the birds (S:2), it’s still got a certain charm that keeps it aloft in the world of divination (F:6). Because let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to believe that the chirping of birds could reveal the secrets of the universe?

Seeking companionship (C:6)? Turn your ear to the skies. Augury won’t give you a play-by-play of your next date, but it might just hint at the opportune time to make your move.

For matters of livelihood (L:6), augury has you covered. Whether you’re hoping to avoid being pecked by your boss or looking for the perfect moment to ask for a raise, the birds are there to help. Just remember, their advice is as flighty as they are.

As for well-being (W:6), augury may not be able to predict your next bout with the flu, but it can provide a peaceful connection to nature. And who knows? Maybe that bird song is just the stress-reliever you need.

Looking for guidance on resources (R:6)? Listen closely to the avian advice. While it’s unlikely to lead you to a buried treasure, it might just offer insights into managing what you have.

And when it comes to the big question, the purpose of life (P:6), augury is ready to help you take flight. After all, what better metaphor for life’s journey than the path of a bird soaring through the sky?


  • Augury: Divination and Interpretation in the Ancient World – Britannica, 2023.
  • The History of Augury – History.com, 2023.

EPIC CARD: Palmistry

Year: 500 BC | Method: Palmistry | Origin: India

Scientific proven(S): 3 | Favorability(F): 7 | Companionship (C): 7 | Livelihood (L): 7 | Well-being (W): 7 | Resources (R): 7 | Purpose (P): 7
Total Score: 45

Ever wanted to hold the future in your hand? With Palmistry, you can! This ancient method, rooted in India around 500 BC, puts the power of prediction literally at your fingertips. While science might give it a skeptical eyebrow raise (S:3), it has charmed its way into the palms of people worldwide (F:7).

In the game of love and companionship (C:7), a glance at your palm might not reveal your soulmate’s initials, but it could give you insights into your romantic tendencies. After all, it’s always handy to know if you’re a hopeless romantic or a pragmatic lover.

When it comes to livelihood (L:7), just stretch out your hand. The lines on your palm could give you a hint whether to brace for a storm at work or if smooth sailing is ahead. Remember, though, it’s all in how you read it.

Palmistry also has something to say about your well-being (W:7). While it can’t replace your doctor’s advice, it might point out if you’re more prone to stress or if relaxation comes naturally to you.

On the hunt for resources (R:7)? Your palm won’t point to the location of a buried treasure, but it might guide you towards your natural strengths and how you can best use them.

And as for your life’s purpose (P:7), Palmistry is ready to lend a hand. After all, when you’re holding your life map in your palm, the path to your destiny doesn’t seem that far away.


  • Palmistry: An Ancient Art – Britannica, 2023.
  • The History and Practice of Palmistry – History.com, 2023.
A detailed digital drawing of a hand with 6 fingers, with the major and minor scary lines

Take destiny into your own hands with Palmistry

An NFT featuring the iconic symbols of the I Ching, artistically rendered in a traditional Chinese aesthetic

Navigate the ever-shifting currents of life with the I Ching


Year: 1000 BC | Method: I Ching | Origin: China

Scientific proven(S): 3 | Favorability(F): 7 | Companionship (C): 7 | Livelihood (L): 7 | Well-being (W): 7 | Resources (R): 7 | Purpose (P): 7
Total Score: 45

The I Ching, or “Book of Changes”, is a millennia-old Chinese divination text that has captivated generations with its profound wisdom. Though it lacks scientific validation (S:3), its enduring legacy and influence (F:7) have touched countless lives.

In matters of companionship (C:7), the I Ching might not predict your next big date, but its wisdom can help you navigate the complexities of relationships, guiding you towards harmony and balance.

When it comes to livelihood (L:7), the I Ching offers sage advice, helping you make well-considered decisions and embrace change in your professional life. Its time-tested wisdom is a valuable ally in times of uncertainty.

Your well-being (W:7) is no stranger to the I Ching. Its guidance encourages mindfulness and self-reflection, promoting mental and emotional balance in the face of life’s challenges.

Looking for resources (R:7)? The I Ching won’t tell you where to find a pot of gold, but its philosophical teachings can help you identify and utilize your personal strengths, empowering you to face life’s hurdles.

And when it comes to your life’s purpose (P:7), the I Ching is a treasure trove of wisdom. By embracing change and adapting to life’s ebb and flow, you’ll be well on your way to discovering your true path.


  • The I Ching: An Introduction – Britannica, 2023.
  • The I Ching: Ancient Chinese Wisdom for Modern Times – History.com, 2023.